Custom Snow Guards? No Problem!

Industry leader Alpine SnowGuards was born in the mid-1990’s, and we’ve engineered custom snow guards ever since. Our company president and founder, Brian Stearns, was once a slate roofer in search of snow guards that wouldn’t fail under extreme snow loads like we often see in New England. Instead of continuing his (futile) search, he Keep reading . . .

“Snowmageddon” Predicted for February

2017 is here and news headlines all over are screaming these 3 words: WINTER IS BAAACCCKKK!! So, what should we expect for the remainder of the season? While we wait for Punxsutawney Phil’s extremely reliable shadow-seeing-or-not-seeing prediction on February 2nd, the 2017 Farmer’s Almanac has called for a “teeth-biting” cold remainder of winter. It almost Keep reading . . .

Because Membrane Roofs Need Snow Guards, Too!

Although Alpine SnowGuards manufactures solutions for all roof types, snow guards for membrane roofs are becoming more and more popular. Snow guards are an extremely important consideration for any low-friction, sloped roofs, such as membrane. Because membrane is a low-friction coating, the installation of snow guards will prevent any accumulated snow from barreling off the Keep reading . . .

Top 4 Avoidable Hazards in the Construction Industry

According to Business Insider, and for obvious reasons, one of the top 10 most dangerous jobs in America is working in the construction industry – which includes roofers and solar installer. Working with heavy equipment, power or hand tools, and debris, construction workers often find themselves working at elevations most of us would never feel Keep reading . . .

The Importance of Using Proper Set Screws

When you’re attaching anything to a metal roof – snow management systems, solar arrays, duct work, satellite dishes, and more – it’s important not to damage the roofing material in the process. To ensure you maintain the integrity of your roof, make sure you have the right clamp-to-seam option for the project, especially since using Keep reading . . .

Breaking the Fall: Protecting Your Workers

One of the most dangerous industries to work in is the construction industry. 20% of all employees who died on the job last year were employed as construction workers. Roofers in particular account for the highest rate of job-related deaths. This has been a pretty consistent statistic over the past few years, so why aren’t Keep reading . . .

Snow Guard Project Photos We Love!

Recently, we asked if you might have any installation images using Alpine SnowGuards that you’d be willing to share with us. “Ask and ye shall receive” could not be a truer statement. WOW, did you deliver snow guard project photos we love! We couldn’t be happier with the response we received, the amount of photos, Keep reading . . .