Performance Testing Alpine’s Snow Guards, Winter 2023-24

Alpine’s 5th year of snow guard testing was off to a snowy start, then early “Deepcember” yielded to rain. Still, snow guard performance went from ideal (as reported initially in the testing phase) to excellent at this juncture based on performance during thawing and freezing cycles. Read on for data analysis from multiple snow events, Keep reading . . .

Alpine’s Research Facility Observations 2022 – 2023

Snow Guard Performance Testing When we’re not skiing, ice fishing, snowmobiling or shoeing, we’re manufacturing snow guards and watching footage from rooftop cameras at our performance facility. We capture thousands of images of our snow guards’ performance. Observing snow melt around our snow guards is particularly informative when roof types, snow guard styles and patterns Keep reading . . .

Wire Loop HD Snow Guard: Simple and Performance-Proven

Elegant design is often simple and unencumbered. The same is true of the Wire Loop snow guard.  Wire Loops are typically fabricated from a single lustrous piece of copper wire and mechanically twisted into a low-profile loop. They are one of the oldest pad-style snow guard designs. As such, they are synonymous with historic slate Keep reading . . .

April Snowfall In Northern Vermont

Spring in the northern Vermont is an unpredictable season. It could be 65° and sunny for six days straight. On that seventh day, the temperature cuts in half, snow begins to accumulate, and what was once bare ground is now a sheet of white. This is a yearly occurrence that we Vermonters are familiar with Keep reading . . .

Using the Correct Snow Management System for a Given Project

When I first started putting slate roofing on in the Northeastern United States, customers would ask if they need snow guards. Most of the projects I helped repair or salvage did not even have gutters attached. So, snow guards weren’t even a consideration. When I encountered my first customer asking for snow guards, I went Keep reading . . .

How Do Snow Guards Work? (Part 1: Pad-Style)

Believe it or not, this is a highly debated question within the construction and snow retention industries. It’s a common misconception that snow guards are intended to break up snow and ice into little pieces, basically cut up the mass, so that it comes off in smaller pieces. It’s easy to understand how people with Keep reading . . .

Designing a Snow Management System

Reprint of an article by Alpine SnowGuards’ founder and president, Brian Stearns, published in RCI Magazine. At Alpine SnowGuards, we’ve been designing, engineering, and manufacturing snow management solutions for nearly 25 years! Just over 10 years ago, the founder and president of Alpine SnowGuards, Brian Stearns, wrote the below editorial for RCI Magazine. A decade Keep reading . . .